Monday, February 16, 2015

Think Green In 2015 by Ray Companies News


Let's to make your world became Green worlds. And it's Happy.

Protect Our Sea
Animal Protection Is Education To The Humanity --- Albert Schweitzer
1. Avoid eating endangered seafood

2. Never flush non degradable products, such as disposable diapers or plastic. These products can damage the sewage treatment process

3. Use soap sparingly when doing disches, washing your car, shower, etc.

Go Paperless
By The Turn Of This Century, We Will Live In a paperless society --- Roger Smith
1. Rain Forest Action Network
    The United States has less than 5% of thw world's population but consumes more than 30% of thw world's paper.

2. Food & Agriculture Organization
    According to FAO, globally around 40 percent of the annual indutrial wood harvest is processed for paper and paperboard.

3. Rainforest Action Network
    Almost half of world's timber and up to 70% of paper is consumed by Europe, United States and Japan alone.

How to easy steps to save paper :

  • Use both sides of the printer paper.
  • Re-use printed paper, paperbag, envelope, wrapping paper, etc.
  • Use paper more efficiently and use fax effectively.
  • Read your newspaper online or read e-newspaper and e-book.
  • Send electronic greeting cards.

Save Our Planet
Earth Provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. --- Mahatma Gandhi
What can you do to help SAVE Our Planet ?
  Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wide Fun for Nature (WWF). The event is held worldwide annually encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour, from 8.30 to 9.30 p.m. on the last saturday in March, as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. It was famously started as a lights-off event in sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide.

Reduce Plastic & Styrofoam
Whenever people ask Paper or Plastic? I always say Neither --- Ed Begley. JR
1. Bring your own cloth bags or reuseable bags to the grocery store.
2. Use a reusable bottle or mug fot your beverages, even when ordering from a to go shop.
3. Bring your own container for take-out or leftover meals.
4. Use less plastic straws, even in restaurants if it's not necessary
5. Think twice about buying "disposable" products
6. Invest in a refillable metal lighter.

Reduce Car Use
Pollution should never be price of properity --- Al Gore
Healthier : 
1. Reduce Gasoline.
2. Reduce Traffic Jam.
3. Improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emission.

Alternative ways instead of using private car :
1. Walking.
2. Use public Transportation.
3. Bike to Work.
4. Car pool or Car share

Savings Energy
We can create a more sustainable, cleaner and safer world by making wiser energy choices. --- Robert Alan Silverstein
How to Save energy :
1. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries
2. Consider using timers to turn lights on in the morning and off during the day.

3. Turn Off lights and all electronics (like computers, televisions, stereos, and video-games) when you leave a room and use energy-saving light bulbs.

4. Unplug battery chargers when the batteries are fully charged or the chargers are not in use.

5. Keep your freezer full, it uses less energy than an empty one.

Use Water Efficiently
Water is the driving force off all nature --- Leonardo Da Vinci
Why use more than you need ?

1. Turn off the faucet while you are brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your hand, doing dishes shower and so on.

2. Collect water from your roof by installing gutter and downspouts, direct the water to plants and trees.

3. Take a shorter shower.

4. Use your washing machine only when it's full.

5. Check all hoses, connectors and faucets for leaks regularly and fix those leaks immediately.

Buying Local Product
We need rebuild and we'll do it around a local product who probably is the best college player in America.
Why Buy Local Product ?

- Aircraft transport has greater fuel consumption and greenhouse-gas emissions per mile than any other mode of transport.

- Trucks and locomotives are responsible for 25% of smog-causing pollution and the majority of the cancer threat possed by air pollution iin some urban areas.

- Throughout the united states, only about 33.6% of the revenuefrom national chainsis reinvested into the community, which is very low compared to the 64.8% return from local businesses.

- Local businesses are usually established in city centers, instead of on the margins of communities like large chains, so they contribute less to pullution, congestion, habitat loss and urban sprawl.

- Transportation by shipping produces emissions of 1 billion metric tons of CO and uses 11 billion gallons of fuel per year internationally

Solar Energy
Solar Power is the last energy resource that isn't owned yet, nobody taxes the sun yet. --- Bonnie Raitt
Use the Solar because it's free.

     The advantage of using Solar Energy :

- It's free after initial recovery of equipment cost.

- It's clean : it does not create any pollution.

- Supply is unlimited and sustainable.

- Reduces of eliminates disruption from power outages.

- Less worry about rising energy costs.

Waste Segregation
Garbage in, garbage out, ask yourself better question to get better answer, a better life. --- Lori Taylor
Environmental Advantages
Further reduce the consumption of natural resources and reduce the need for final waste disposal.

Health Benefits
Removing waste from public areas reduces overall health risks, decreases pest infestation in urban areas and lowers exposures to biohazards.

Waste to Energy
Modern advances that captures energy pruduced in combustion and use it to generate electricity. The result is a complex method of reusing item to reduce waste needs in the future.

Better Lives 
You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person --- Scoot Sorrell

Come on to Join the race to make thw world a better place. I wish this world became a Green World.

Creator : RayCompaniesNews
CEO : Raymondo Velando Sendow


think green
for earth
i <3 earth

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